Access to Hygiene Items (NFI-Kit)

Indicator Phrasing

The indicator assesses the number of the target population having access to essential hygiene items as defined by the relevant Sphere Standard.

Indicator Phrasing

English: The indicator assesses the number of the target population having access to essential hygiene items as defined by the relevant Sphere Standard.

French: .

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses the number of the target population having access to essential hygiene items as defined by the relevant Sphere Standard.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Use distribution lists, post-distribution monitoring data and other resources to calculate the number of targeted people having access to the following basic hygiene items as defined by Sphere's Hygiene promotion standard 2 - Identification and use of hygiene items:


> 10-20 litre capacity water container for transportation (one per household)


> 10-20 litre capacity water container for storage (one per household)


> 250g bathing soap (one per person per month)


> 250g laundry soap (one per person per month)


> acceptable material for menstrual hygiene (one kit per woman of reproductive age)

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender and specific vulnerable groups, such as people with disability.

Important Comments

1) The composition of the 'hygiene kit' can be modified based on the local needs - see Guidance note 9 in Sphere's Hygiene promotion standard 2.


2) Consider including an additional indicator of “% of hygiene kits ranked by their recipients as useful for meeting their basic hygiene needs.”


3) If you provide cash-based assistance (as opposed to in-kind hygiene kits), the indicator should be assessing 1) the number of people who received the cash and 2) were able to use it for purchasing essential hygiene items (i.e. they could access the markets and the markets were selling the required items for prices that were not higher than those used for calculating the cash grants' value).

This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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