Functionality of Water Supply Systems

Indicator Phrasing

# of or % of service points that are physically working and “in use”

Indicator Phrasing

English: # of or % of service points that are physically working and “in use”

French: .

What is its purpose?

“Reliability” is used to refer to the time which a point source or piped system is free from unplanned interruption due to breakdown or other causes. The lack of reliability and/or continuity in improved water sources can force households to search for other (potentially less safe) sources. It also can contribute to contamination in piped systems. “Functionality” is related to “reliability” and a term frequently used to mean the proportion of service points that are providing water at a time, when the service point is expected to provide water.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Welthungerhilfe employs a simple binary approach to define water point functionality based on three questions



Is the water point physically working and producing some water at the time of the survey visit?

A1 yes/no



Yield snapshot: Does the water point provide the sufficient minimum design yield of 10 L/min at the time of the survey visit?

A2 yes/no



Use: Is the water point used and does the water point provide a reliable yield (meeting criteria 1 and 2 above) year round (less than 30 days downtime in the previous 12 months)?

A3 yes/no/don’t know; please interview people close by or in the neighboring community



Only the combination yes/yes/yes is rated as “functional”.

Data should be collected at least as baseline and endline. It is recommended that the indicator is monitored regularly by water authorities or other M&E missions after the water supply system has been newly contructed or rehabilitated.


What activities should the indicator be used for?

This indicator is especially recommended i) for projects applying WASH systems strengthening approaches in rural areas and are providing access to water on scale  ii) ex-post assessments and iii) in projects where the impact/outcome of capacity development of water service providers and water authorities is to be assessed indirectly through the improved management of water supply systems.

Disaggregate by

Type of water facility

Important Comments

Alternatively use indikit-indicator Duration of Water Source Functionality especially when you want to assess the down-time of water supply systems

This guidance was prepared by Welthungerhilfe ©

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