1) In certain contexts, it is important to specify also the animal’s age as this has a significant influence on their value (for example, a breeding sow is worth a lot more than a piglet; similarly, the value of chicks (1 to 4 days), adult chickens (< 1.5 months), cocks, etc. is also different).
2) Households sometimes take care of animals which are owned by other people. This practice is common for more expensive animals, such as cows. If you need to know whether the person actually owns the animal, also ask “Who is the owner of [specify the animal]?”
3) When assessing crop production, enquire about the weight of the last produce as soon after the harvest as possible, so that the respondents are able to recall it correctly.
4) Keep in mind that many farmers practice crop rotation. Therefore, if you are interested in whether a given farmer grows a particular crop, you might need to ask for more than just the past one season.
5) If you use this indicator, you will also gain the data required for Animal Raising or Crop Production indicators.
6) European Commission's DEVCO recommends to use a similar indicator: "Total volume of crop production".