TVET Quality Standards

Indicator Phrasing

number or % of supported TVET institutions meeting locally agreed TVET Quality Standards

Indicator Phrasing

English: number or % of supported TVET institutions meeting locally agreed TVET Quality Standards

French: .

What is its purpose?

The indicator assesses to what extent the TVET services that your organization supports meet pre-defined Quality Standards and are therefore likely to benefit the participating students.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

TVET Quality Standards represent the minimum performance level a provider of vocational education should meet in order to ensure its quality. If no existing standards are available, you will have to design them in cooperation with the relevant TVET authorities and other important TVET stakeholders in the area of your operations. While their content is context-specific, they should focus on the following aspects:

> the extent to which the education corresponds to the job market’s needs

> the extent and quality of its practical education component (hands-on training)

> the adequacy of TVET institutions’ facilities and equipment

> the combination of technical, entrepreneurial and life skills

> after-training support in entering labour market/ self-employment


1) Data collection includes several methods, including interviews with the school director and teachers, classroom observation and document review.


2) Prepare and use a monitoring checklist with a step by step guide covering all components of the TVET Quality Standards.


3) If possible, the Standards should be monitored by (or in cooperation with) the relevant TVET authorities. Your organisation may need to provide technical and material support to the official monitors and perform independent checks.


4) Based on the filled monitoring checklists, you can calculate the number and percentage of supported TVET institutions meeting locally agreed TVET Quality Standards.

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age, specific vulnerable groups, such as minorities or people with disability.

Important Comments


This guidance was prepared by People in Need ©

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