Market Linkages

Indicator Phrasing

# or % of trained participants (male, female, age, disabled) taking part in activities providing market linkages

Indicator Phrasing

English: # or % of trained participants (male, female, age, disabled) taking part in activities providing market linkages

French: .

What is its purpose?

This indicator measures the # or % of training participants which are taking part in activities providing market linkages during or after graduation. Market linkage can take various forms. In particular, it includes information on the current labor market and its personnel demand. Focusing especially on providing labor market information (LMI). But there are also other forms of market linkages, especially when it comes to self-employment. Here linkages to economic market are key to obtain information on supply and demand, prices, market actors within the entire supply and value chain, access to financing institutes and credits, etc. Why is it important? The linkage between the (labor) market and the offered trainings is key, so that training does not ignore the needs of the market. At the same time, after successful completion of training, linkages to (labor) market must be established to facilitate the transition from education to employment. The link to the labor market and the offer for employees plays a important role. Access to this kind of information is mostly limited. This also applies to entrepreneurs and their ability to navigate the market and build their business.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: If the project lasts less than one year, then the data should be collected as a routine monitoring form that is collected from all participants during project closeout. If the project lasts more than one year, then the data should be collected every six months as a routine monitoring form. If the project reaches more than 2,000 participants in total, it is recommended that a representatively sampled survey is used.



  1. Did you take part in market information sessions/ Have you received information on the current labor market and its opportunities, challenges, and requirements?
  2. Which of the following information have your received and have access to? Select all that apply.
    1. Trade specific job offers
    2. Data on workplaces and requirements / salaries and legal issues
    3. Contact to market actors within the entire supply and value chain
    4. Information on financial support / credit services
    5. Etc.
  3. To what extent did you find the information provided helpful for your further professional carrier (Definitely helpful, rather helpful, unsure, rather not helpful, definitely not helpful)?


How to calculate:

  1. Count the # or % of all training participants, who were taking part in (labor) market information/market linkages activities.


If you want to dig deeper:

  1. The value of this indicator is the number of who were taking part in (labor) market information activities (numerator) divided by the number of participants assessing the information helpful (denominator).


What activities should the indicator be used for?

  • Mentoring and Post-training support
  • Trade Fairs
  • Awareness and information sessions with employers / enterprises

Disaggregate by

Disaggregate the data by gender, age, specific vulnerable groups, such as minorities or people with disability.

Important Comments

.LMI (Labor Market information) is defined as: 


  • Data about the workplace, including employment rates and salary information;
  • Any information about the structure and working of a labor market and any factors likely to influence the structure and working of that market, including jobs available, people available to do those jobs, the mechanisms that match the two, changes in the external and internal business environments; and
  • Essentially data, statistics and research about the workplace including things like unemployment rates, salary, demand for, and supply of, labor.
This guidance was prepared by Welthungerhilfe ©

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