Method: If the project lasts less than one year, then the data should be collected as a routine monitoring form that is collected from all participants during project closeout. If the project lasts more than one year, then the data should be collected every six months as a routine monitoring form. If the project reaches more than 2,000 participants in total, it is recommended that a representatively sampled survey is used.
- Did you take part in Mentoring and Post-training support offers?
- In which of the following Mentoring and Post-training support offers have you participated? Select all that apply.
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Peer-to-peer counseling
- Internships
- jobs fairs
- employer visits
- participation in saving-groups (e.g. VSLA)
- Etc.
- To what extent did you find the Mentoring and Post-training support offers helpful for your transition to the labor market getting (self-) employed (Definitely helpful, rather helpful, unsure, rather not helpful, definitely not helpful)?
How to calculate:
- Count the # of all training participants, who were taking part in Mentoring and Post-training support offers.
- The value of this indicator is the number of those who were taking part in Mentoring and Post-training support offers (numerator) divided by the number of participants assessing the offers helpful for their transition to the labor market getting (self-) employed (denominator).
What activities should the indicator be used for?
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- Peer-to-peer counseling
- Internships
- jobs fairs
- employer visits
- participation in saving-groups (e.g. VSLA)