Method: If the project lasts less than one year, then the data should be collected as a routine monitoring form that is collected from all participants during project closeout. If the project lasts more than one year, then the data should be collected every six months as a routine monitoring form. If the project reaches more than 2,000 participants in total, it is recommended that a representatively sampled survey is used.
- What is the age of the participant?
- Which of the following activities has the participant engaged in over the past six months? Select all that apply.
- Advocacy
- Being a mentor to others
- Sensitizing other youth about TVET services
- Providing in-kind contributions to TVET networks/environment/offices
How to calculate:
- A participant counts towards this indicator if they are between 15 and 35 years of age, and if they engaged in at least one community development initiative as defined above.
- The value of this indicator is the number of participants aged 15-35 who engaged in at least one community development initiative (numerator) divided by the number of participants aged 15-35 (denominator).
What activities should the indicator be used for?
This indicator should be used by projects that aim at positive youth development, youth empowerment, or skills development, with a broader vision to ensure that youth development contributes towards positive societal outcomes. Examples can include projects that implement any of the following youth-specific interventions:
- Mentoring programs
- Networking (Youth / Skills / TVET networks)
- Sensibilization campaigns (perception of TVET etc.)
- In-kind contribution instead of training fees (sitting allowances)
- Mentoring programs
- VSLAs that are targeted towards youth