Participation in Community Decisions

Indicator Phrasing

Percentage of community members who participate in community decisions

Indicator Phrasing

English: Percentage of community members who participate in community decisions

French: .

What is its purpose?

What: This indicator measures the percentage of community members who participate in community decisions. Why: Good governance requires broad and inclusive participation of community members. Therefore, it is important that a large share of the community contributes to decision-making, for example in the form of townhalls, consultations, or participation in village development committees or the drafting of village development plans. When: This indicator should be collected by projects that focus on strengthening civic participation, rights-based development or community development. Examples include projects that develop or strengthen community development committees.

How to Collect and Analyse the Required Data

Method: Collect the following data by conducting individual survey interviews with a representative sample of male and female members of the affected population. If you do not have the budget, you can conduct >=6 homogeneous focus group discussions with community members who represent diverse groups (e.g. male vs. female, wealthy vs. poor, old vs. young) and ask them to estimate the answer for their whole community.



Note to the project team: Please remove all answer options that are not applicable.


In the past 12 months, have you voiced your perspectives in any of the following settings?

  • Townhall or village development meeting (Yes/No)
  • Community consultations in political decisions (Yes/No)
  • Village development committees (Yes/No)
  • Drafting of village development plans (Yes/No)
  • Community Score Card (CSC) process to monitor services, empower community members and improve the accountability of service providers (Yes/No)


How to calculate:

If the response to any of the above options is “Yes”, then the person’s answer should be counted towards the indicator. The indicator value is the total count of community members who have voiced their perspectives in any of the meetings above (numerator) over the total count of community members (denominator).       


What activities should the indicator be used for?

This indicator should be collected by projects that focus on strengthening civic participation, rights-based development or community development. Examples include projects that develop or strengthen community development committees.

Disaggregate by

Sex: female, male

Age: 15-29, 30+

This guidance was prepared by Welthungerhilfe ©

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