Collect the following data by conducting individual interviews with a representative sample of the target household members responsible for selling agricultural produce:
Q1: In the past [specify the number of months or years], did your household start selling its agricultural produce in a place or to a buyer where it did not sell before?
1) yes, started selling in a new place
2) yes, started selling to a new buyer (but at the same place)
3) no, did not start selling in a new place or to a new buyer
(if the previous answer is YES, verify it by asking the following question)
Q2: Where is the new place/ who is the new buyer?
A2: specify: …………………...
(the following questions are recommended but not mandatory; ask them only if the previous answer is YES)
Q3: Why did you start selling in a new place/ to a new buyer?
A3: [pre-define the possible answers based on the local context + include an option “other – specify: ………………….”]
Q4: Compared with the place where you sold before, do you by selling in the new place/ to a new buyer gain the same, higher or lower prices?
1) the same profit as before
2) higher profit than before
3) lower profit than before
Calculate the indicator’s value by dividing the number of target farmers who started selling their produce to new markets by the total number of interviewed farmers and multiplying the result by 100.
What activities should the indicator be used for?
This indicator should be used in projects that work on agri-business development; sustainability strategies for agri-businesses.