The #ms Skills indicator measures the number of training participants who have completed training provided by WHH and/or its partners and who have subsequently secured or improved (self-) employment where they can apply the skills they have acquired.
The target group (i.e., population size in ProMIS) is composed of participants in a training, or another skills development support measure provided by WHH and/or its partners, through either a project or funding. This indicator requires a baseline and comparison value(s) to yield interesting information on project outcomes. At minimum, it should therefore be collected as part of both a baseline and an endline survey. A mid-term survey is optional.
To calculate the indicator:
- For baseline: Count the number of participants already in a ‘relevant occupation’ at the time of enrollment in a WHH training. Update this value with each new cohort within the intervention.
- For mid-term/endline: 6-9 months (maximum 12 months) after training completion, survey a sample of the training participants and count those employed or self-employed in 'relevant occupations’. If multiple cohorts are trained within a single intervention, the endline value represents the total number of participants across all cohorts who have secured relevant employment following training completion.
- Extrapolate the number of training participants working in relevant occupations (employed or self-employed) to the total number of WHH training participants. Extrapolation is usually only needed for mid-term and endline data collection, as for baseline all participants should ideally be surveyed during their initial enrollment.
More information: #ms07 Skills Handbook (EN)