Determine the indicator's value by using the following methodology:
1) count the number of individuals who were supposed to receive food aid (use distribution protocols, bank transfers or other means of verification)
2) assess in the post-distribution monitoring the number of beneficiaries who actually received food aid (be it through cash, voucher, or in-kind assistance).
3) assess whether the nutritional requirements were met:
i) determine the proportion of nutritional requirements the food aid is supposed to meet (for example, if the standard requirement is 2,100 kcals/person/day and the available data show that the target population can, on average, secure 600 kcals/person/day from their own resources, the in-kind / voucher / cash-based ration should provide 2,100 – 600 = 1,500 kcals/person/day
ii) calculate whether the provided food met the nutritional requirements defined by the Sphere Standards and/ or the Food Security Cluster (use ration planning tools, such as NutVal)
The indicator is met for every person who receives the provided food aid that enables her/him to meet the nutritional requirements defined by Sphere Standards.