1) Conduct the survey only with women that live with their husbands/partners.
2) Collect the following data by conducting individual post-distribution monitoring interviews with a representative sample of the cash recipients who live with their spouse / partner (i.e. are married, live in civil union or are in a long-term partnership). Ensure that the survey records the respondent’s gender, so that you can analyse the data collected for this indicator.
Q1: Who decided what the [specify: cash / voucher] your household received from [specify the organization] would be spent on?
A1: [only one answer possible; do not read the answers to the respondent prior to them answering]
1) respondent themselves
2) spouse / partner
3) respondent and spouse jointly
4) respondent and another household member jointly
5) spouse and another household member jointly
6) another household member
7) someone outside the household
8) other - specify: ………………………….
To calculate the indicator’s value, divide the number of respondents who said that the decision was made by both the respondent and spouse / partner (i.e. option 3) by the total number of respondents. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.